A Message From The Publisher of Twisted Roads

The 2011 riding season ended late in the year for many, with ice and snow finally arriving with bone-numbing temperatures. Yet for others, notably the guys I ride with in southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey, it has been one of the mildest winters on record. Temperatures are still hitting the ’50’s (F) here in Cape May and it is already the middle of January. Technically speaking, we are only ten weeks out from the first really warm days of 2012 and the time when motorcycles return to the roads like the swallows return to Capistrano, like the bluefish to the New Jersey shore, and like lawyers to a complicated divorce.
Once again, Twisted Roads is signing on for the long haul, providing a growing number of readers with stories that cross the double-yellow line for laughs and the kind reading that matches the pavement in your mind. New for this year will be our presence at a number of club events, coverage of rides (including various specialty marques), and reviews of moto-products, books, and films. This is all made possible through the vision and forethought of our sponsors — who fund this blog and my monthly column. Without their contribution, “Twisted Roads” and “Jack The Riepe” would have faded into oblivion long ago.
Chief among these has been Hermy’s BMW and Triumph, of Port Clinton, Pa. They are a great local BMW shop, and they sell great gear (online or on the phone) that can be worn on any marque. Next time you’re in there or have them on the phone, thank them for Twisted Roads.
And yet there are other sponsors, who are not represented by an ad nor a picture. These are the hundreds of “Twisted Roads” readers who have purchased my cigar book, tee shirts, and other products, funding the thousands of hours I have put into writing this stuff. When you buy a book from me, you are pumping your cash directly into the tales of a Kawasaki H2, a BMW K75, seven brunettes, two blonds, one redhead, four motorcycle crashes, and “The Cretin Chronicles.” My personal autograph, and unusual inscription, is my unique way of saying “Thank You,” for a great ride.
I am close to completing my motorcycle book, which goes beyond this blog in both content and style. It is a combination of philosophy, humor, rides I have never shared with the public, moto-romantic conflicts that haunt me still, and the kind of thoughts that nearly every rider has — but has hesitated to express. This book will be out in the spring, with a special edition offered for advance purchase, with discounting for clubs and anyone who bought a cigar book from Twisted Roads. To arrange a club-event book signing for my motorcycle book, please contact me at jack.riepe@gmail.com. Please put “Moto-Book Event” in the subject line. To express your interest in reserving an advance copy of my motorcycle book, simply send your name, address, email address, and phone number to jack.riepe@gmail.com. Please put “Moto-Book Advance Sale Request” in the subject line.
Twisted Roads Never Sells Reader Information To Any Other Source... And Screw Those That Do!
Once again, I look forward to another year of two-wheeled excitement.
Jack Riepe
Publisher/Twisted Roads
Tomorrow's Twisted Roads' Humor Piece:
"Getting Beaten Up In A Biker Bar..."
Monday, January 23rd's Twisted Roads episode:
"True Letters From Rabid Readers..."
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